Wordpress Plugin Boilerplate

Get Started

Get started with the Wordpress Plugin Boilerplate

The plugin consists of two main components: the frontend, built with React, and the backend, which communicates via an API.

To get started, you need to clone the repository and install the dependencies. Then you can rename the plugin and start development. It's that simple!

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/wp-plugin-boilerplate/wp-plugin-boilerplate.git

Install the dependencies

npm install
composer install

Rename the plugin

You can easly rename the plugin by changing data in plugin-config.json file.

  "plugin_name": "WordPress Plugin Boilerplate",
  "plugin_description": "A boilerplate for WordPress plugins.",
  "plugin_version": "1.0.0",
  "plugin_file_name": "wordpress-plugin-boilerplate.php",
  "author_name": "Prappo",
  "author_uri": "https://prappo.github.io",
  "text_domain": "wordpress-plugin-boilerplate",
  "domain_path": "/languages",
  "main_class_name": "WordPressPluginBoilerplate",
  "main_function_name": "wordpress_plugin_boilerplate_init",
  "namespace": "WordPressPluginBoilerplate",
  "plugin_prefix": "wpb",
  "constant_prefix": "WPB"

Then run the following command to rename the plugin files:

npm run rename

Start the development

npm run dev

Start the development with WordPress backend

npm run dev:server

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