Wordpress Plugin Boilerplate


Learn how to develop your WordPress plugin with the boilerplate.

Technical Instruction

Project Overview

This is a wordpress plugin which is headless.


Frontend is built with React Tailwindcss ShadcnUI. Frontend code is located in /js/frontend/ directory. src/frontend/routes.jsx file defines the routes for frontend. src/frontend/main.jsx is the main file which is loaded first.

Gutenberg blocks

WordPressAdmin Panel

Admin panel is built with React Tailwindcss ShadcnUI. Admin panel frontend code is located in /src/admin/ directory. src/admin/routes.jsx file defines the routes for admin panel. src/admin/main.jsx is the main file which is loaded first. The frontend route for admin panel is http://your-domain.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wordpress-plugin-boilerplate. New pages routes will be like http://your-domain.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wordpress-plugin-boilerplate#your-page-slug. It uses react-router-dom for routing which is defined in src/admin/routes.jsx file.

WordPress admin panel menu function is located in includes/Admin/Menu.php file.

Rest API

We can fetch and manipulate data from backend with WP Rest API. Rest API structure is given below.

The route is defined in includes/Routes/Api.php file. You can use this example to define new routes.

Route Structure

Route::method( 'your-prefix', 'your-endpoint', 'your-callback', $auth = false );


Route::get( $prefix, $endpoint, $callback, $auth = false );
Route::post( $prefix, $endpoint, $callback, $auth = false );
// Multiple route in a prefix group.
Route::prefix( $prefix, function( Route $route ) {
    $route->get( $endpoint, $callback, $auth = false );
    $route->post( $endpoint, $callback, $auth = false );

Route Callback

Route callbacks are functions defined as controller methods. Controller files are located in includes/Controllers directory.

How to add new page to admin panel

  • Create a new file in src/admin/pages/{your-page-slug}.jsx directory.
  • Add a new route in src/admin/routes.jsx file.
  • Import the new page component and register it in src/admin/routes.jsx file.
  • Add a new menu item in includes/Admin/Menu.php file by copying the existing menu item and changing the name, slug, component etc based on the new page.
  • If it needs to store any data in database then add a new model in includes/Models/{YourCustomModel}.php file. And migration file in /database/migrations directory.
  • If it needs to manipulate data in database then add a new controller in includes/Controllers/{YourCustomController}/Actions.php file.
  • To make connection between frontend and backend, add a new endpoint in includes/Routes/Api.php file.
  • Alsway use javascript fetch function to fetch data from backend. Use post method to create/update/delete data.Use get method only for read-only purpose. The root url for api is wordpressPluginBoilerplate.apiUrl + 'wordpressPluginBoilerplate/v1/{custom-route}'.

Adding a New Component

  • Create a new file in src/admin/components/{your-component-name}/ directory.
  • Use the component in src/admin/pages/{your-page-slug}.jsx file.
  • ShadcnUI components are located in src/admin/components/ui directory.

Passing Data from Backend to Frontend as a JavaScript Object

  • If you want to pass data from the backend to the frontend as a JavaScript object, add a key-value pair in includes/Frontend/Frontend.php in the get_data method. This data will be available in the frontend as the wordpressPluginBoilerplate object or the object defined in the const OBJ_NAME variable in Frontend.php.

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